
Enhance the visual appeal of your home with Fiberspan concrete faux headers. These headers not only offer a maintenance-free solution but also maintain their beautiful appearance for years to come.

About Fiberspan Concrete Faux Headers

Our Fiberspan Concrete Headers or Lintels stand out as a distinctive choice, adding a touch of rustic elegance with their beautiful, rough-sawn wood grain accent that spans door or window openings. Notably, these header boards serve a dual purpose by covering wood headers, offering protection against decay.

Crucially, akin to all other Fiberspan Concrete Elements, our header boards boast a composition of fiber-reinforced concrete composite. This allows for the customization of faux headers in terms of lengths and widths, with the flexibility to cast them in custom dimensions. Particularly for lengths exceeding 9′, we adopt a practical approach by casting and shipping them in two equal sections. This precautionary measure serves to prevent damage during shipment and facilitates easier handling during installation.

Crafted with precision, Fiberspan Concrete Faux Headers are manufactured at our facility in New Mexico, ensuring quality and authenticity. We extend our reach nationwide, providing access to our top-notch products across the country.

Fiberspan Concrete Faux Headers Installed on Window

Truly, Fiberspan Concrete Faux Headers are a permanent, no-maintenance solution. They will look beautiful, and endure time and the elements, even fire, for decades to come.

Fiberspan Concrete Faux Headers are made in 2 style options:
1) Faux Header ‘Pop out’
2) Header/Beam Wrap ‘L profile’

Fiberspan Concrete Faux Headers

Crafting the ideal Faux Wood Header/Lintel mold commences with a carefully selected real wood beam, distinguished by its intricate patterns of wood grain and knots. The next step involves creating a mold over this authentic wood, meticulously generating a high-grade replica of the original beam. Subsequently, a reinforced concrete composite infused with natural pigments is skillfully troweled into the mold, capturing the minutest of details with precision. This meticulous process ensures the creation of faux wood headers with an unparalleled authenticity and realism.

Upon completion of the curing process, the Fiberspan Faux Header undergoes a staining patina application before being sealed. The result is a rustic and authentic-looking replica of a wood beam, adding aesthetic appeal when installed over portals, windows, and doors. This innovative solution allows your home to retain its old-world charm without the accompanying challenges of dealing with deteriorating wood.


Fiberspan Concrete Faux Headers on house with Vigas, Contact
Fiberspan Concrete Faux Headers in Shop Sideways
12"x18" FCV's Gateway Canyons Resort Four Vigas with Windows
Fiberspan Concrete Faux Headers, Vigas, Roof Scuppers, cottonwood, AZ

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